Thème :
Environnement et réduction des fardeaux liés aux maladies chroniques
Type de présentation :
Présentation Orale
Titre abstract :
Renal and hepatitis function of illicit drugs users in Yaounde-Cameroon
Auteurs :




1Estuary Academic and Strategic Institute, Higher Institute of Health Applied Sciences, University of Buea 

Corresponding authors :
Référence :

CaHReF 2018, Yaoundé Congres hall, 08 – 11 January 2019 ,OERF001

Abstract :

Background: The consumption rate of illicit-drugs in low and middle income Countries is permanently increasing. In Cameroon for example this worrying phenomenon touches more and more the young generation, with consequences such as early damages of body's function. While liver is considered as the excellent metabolic center, the kidney seems

Objectif: This study was to evaluate the impact of illicit drugs use on renal and hepatic function.

Methodology: A cross sectional, prospective and descriptive study took place at LAMA laboratory-Yaounde-Cameroon from March to June 2017. The Rapid detection of Illicit drugs(Immunochrommatography), HBsAg, HCVAc, high blood sugar (one touch glucometer), the kinetic titration of ALAT/ASAT, Uree/creatinine and an estimation of Glomerular filtration rate eGFR (MDRD study equation) were simultaneously done to each participant. Significant threshold 5%. 

Results: Out of Sixty positives illicit drugs users were enrolled, Mean age: 27.47 ± 0,99 years [min :15 ; max :65], Men 80% (48/60) and young aged [15 ; 25] were predominant. Cannabis 23.33% (14/60), Benzodiazépine, and mixture of 2 and more than 2 illicit drugs were the most consumed. The number of consumers and drugs consumption's rate decreased with the age of participants. The frequency of hepatic failure (concomitant ALAT and ASAT abnormal) was 20% with more consuming illicit drugs mixtures. Hepatic failure seemed increasing with the age (p=0.66). Moreover, 18.33 %(11/60) showed kidneys failure (eGFR<90) with 10patients of mild renal impairment (60<eGFR<90)

Conclusion/Recommandation: Drugs consumption rate has a negative impact on hepatic and renal function. We therefore recommend to avoid illicit drugs consumption especially drugs mixtures. Renal and hepatic function of drugs addicted should be frequently controlled.

Key Words:consumers, illicit drugs users, hepatic