Thème :
Environnement et réduction des fardeaux liés aux maladies chroniques
Type de présentation :
Présentation Orale
Titre abstract :
Breast cancer screening by palpation coupled with fine-needle aspiration of nodules of women of Bafoussam, Cameroon.
Auteurs :




1University of Ngaoundere; 2University Hospital Center of Yaounde

Corresponding authors :
Référence :

CaHReF 2018, Yaoundé Congres hall, 08 – 11 January 2019 ,OAU055

Abstract :

Background: Breast cancer is the most common cancer of women in the world. In Cameroon, he is diagnosed late because early diagnosis by mammography is expensive and unavailable. We investigated the feasibility of breast-palpation screening coupled with nodule cytology in Bafoussam.

Objectif: To study the feasibility of early diagnosis of breast cancer by palpation of the breasts coupled with fine-needle aspiration of nodules.

Methodology: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study. The participants were at least 15 years old. Their sociodemographic data were collected and then palpation performed. The nodules detected were punctured, the material spread on slides, dried in the open air, stained with MGG (May-Gr'à¼nwald Giemsa) and read by an anatomopahologist.

Results: 412 women between the ages of 15 and 75 were recruited. They were educated in 95.5% of cases. 17 women had nodules (17 nodules), 6 had accepted to be punctured. 3 nodules were benign and 3 malignant, including 1 in stage I and 2 in stage III, all three in women under 35 years old. Among the reasons of refusal of fine-needle aspiration, was the absence of pain and refusal of the attending physician.

Conclusion/Recommandation: Clinical breast examination coupled with the fine-needle aspiration of nodules can be used as a screening method for this cancer even in remote areas. However, early detection necessarily involves raising the awareness of the population and health staff.

Key Words: Screening, clinical breast examination, fine-needle aspiration.