Health related quality of life and its correlates among the elderly in Cameroon: Case of Biyem-Assi and Mbengwi Health districts


Numfor Nkah Leonard ;NKOUM Benjamin ; SOBNGWI Joëlle


CaHReF 20116, Yaoundé Conges hall, 23 – 26 August 2016 , PL097


The last century has witnessed a rapid increase in the population of elderly people worldwide which is likely to increase the burden of non-communicable diseases and disability. This leads to a decrease in the quality of life (QoL) and increased economic burden on society. The aim of this study was to assess the correlates of the HRQoL of the elderly in an urban (Biyem-Assi, Yaounde) and rural (Mbengwi) health districts in Cameroon. 
Three hundred and forty four elderly people aged 55 and over voluntarily filled a questionnaire on socio-demographic characteristics and health related status. The HRQoL was assessed with the WHO QoL questionnaire for older people (WHOQoLOld Brief). We used multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) to examine and analyse the correlates of their HRQoL. 

The mean age was 60.8±5.7. Majority of the sample population (60.7%) were from the urban setting. Out of the sample, there were 157 (45.6%) females and 65.1% were married. One hundred and forty three (41.6%) respondents complained about having medical problems that limit their movements. Bivariate analysis showed that males had a better HRQoL than the females. In Multivariate analyses, those in the urban district (13.12±3.08; p<0.001), with higher level of education (13.93±3.05; p<0.001), stable monthly income (13.27±3.10; p<0.001), residing in their personal houses (12.96±2.98; p=0.001), and with no medical problems that limits their mobility (13.93±2.89; p<0.001) had higher scores, thus better HRQoL. Analyses using the different facets of the HRQoL suggested that reduction in physical functions is the main factor associated with the deterioration of QoL at old age. 

This situation calls for concerted efforts of the government, non-governmental organizations, religious institutions and civil society to understand and mitigate the whole range of problems resulting from a greying society so that the aged people can live a dignified and meaningful community life in Cameroon as a whole.


Ageing, Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL), correlates