Inventaire des œufs d'helminthes et ookystes de coccidies chez trois espèces de blattes dans trois zones de l'Arrondissement de Mékong, Littoral, Cameroun


Atiokeng Tatang Rostand ;Wabo Poné josué ; MPOAME MBIDA


CaHReF 20116, Yaoundé Conges hall, 23 – 26 August 2016 , PL069


The abundance of Insects in rural and urban zones is due to poor hygiene conditions. Their breeding habit and feeding mechanism make them efficient carrier and disseminator of pathogens. Among these insects, cockroaches are human enemies in their homes. The aim of this work was to evaluate the rate of helminthes eggs and coccidia oocysts carried by cockroaches in Mélong-subdivision. A total of 834 adults cockroaches were physically trapped in the kitchens, inside the houses and in the toilets in three localities of Mélong. Three species of cockroaches were identified: periplaneta Americana (59,11 %), blattella germanica (20,50 %) and blatta orientalis (20,38 %). Out of 834 cockroaches examined, neither cestodes eggs nor trematodes eggs were observed. While 46,96 % were carrier of nematodes eggs and protozoans oocyst in their external and internal body. Helminthes isolated were all nematodes and were included: Ascaris spp. (34,2 %), Trichuris spp. (12,2 %), Capillaria spp. (6,2 %), Toxocara spp (4,9 %) and Hookworms (4,9 %). Eimeria spp ookysts (2,8 %) were also observed. Statistically, significant difference (p < 0,05) were observe between American cockroaches which were proved to be fitted in the transport of nematodes eggs (40,25 %) than Eastern cockroaches (11,75 %) and German cockroaches (10,07 %). No significant difference (p > 0,05) were observed between sexes, localities and sites of fixation on the hosts. However, significant differences (p < 0,05) were observed between captured points. Cockroaches collected in the toilets were most carriers of nematodes eggs (32,27 %) followed by those captured in the kitchen (22,90 %) and inside the houses (11,27 %). Almost all gastro-intestinal parasites encounted are recognized as zoonosis and they can be consequently released in nature by animals and easily transported and disseminated by cockroaches exposing human beings to infestations through contaminated water and food and vice versa. This work once more confirmed the character of cockroaches as host of transport. Sanitary education, serious observation of basic rules of hygiene, re-enforcement of deworming program and fight against these insects remain a necessity in the study area.


cockroaches, transport rate, gastro-intestinal parasite, Mélong