Thème :
Type de présentation :
Présentation Orale
Titre abstract :
Assessment of burnout syndrome and psychosocial risks in a cosmetic company in Cameroon
Auteurs :

Pierre TchienrgMOUELEU NGALAGOU1,2, Brice ASSOMO NDEMBA PEGUY2, Sidoine SADJEU1, Basile PIEGANG1, François SIEWE1, Angèle FOYET1, Clarice AYINA AYINA2, Moise FANDIO3, FrançoisKAMDEM4, Samuel Honoré MANDENGUE2



1University Institute of the Guinea Gulf 2Physiology and Medicine of Physical and Sports Activities Unit, 2Faculty of Science, University of Douala 3Les Laboratoires BIOPHARMA 3Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, University of Douala

Corresponding authors :
Référence :

CaHReF 2018, Yaoundé Congres hall, 08 – 11 January 2019 , OAUU013

Abstract :

Background: The changes that affect all organizations cause a disturbing rise of destructive and self-destructive phenomena like psychosocial risks and disorders.

Objective: The main objective of this study was to evaluate burnout and psychosocial risks (PSR) in Laboratoires BIOPHARMA S.A.

Methods: An exploratory and descriptive study was carried out from 07th November 2016 to 07 th May 2017 in Laboratoires BIOPHARMA S.A. Beyond the initial diagnosis, the information collected concerned burnout with the Maslash Burnout Inventory, sports and physical activities (SPA) with the Ricci et Gagnon questionnaire, PSR using an observation grid and the work-based approach. The scheme of understanding of the activity allowed an ergonomic analysis of the working situations in the Plastic Unit. The problem was defined precisely by means of a questionnaire written using 5WH. The differences were considered significant for p <0.05.

Results: The study examined an overall size of 160 employees with an average age of 34.48 ± 7.72 years, with almost half (49.38%) aged 31 to 40, sex-ratio M/F of 3.21. The prevalence of burnout was 58.13% with the three dimensions shown. No statistical link was observed between burnout and socio-demographic characteristics, and the SPA. Among the participants, 56% were stressed, 1 employee out of 5 had suffered psychological harassment, 2 employees (20.83%) had been physically abused, and almost half of the sample (45.84%) was intimidated. The causes were recruited among the 5M. All employees received at the annual medical check-up were declared fit.

Conclusions/Recommandations: Burnout and PSR exist in BIOPHARMA with high frequencies and can affect the health of employees, productivity thus sustainability of the company. The costs could be enormous.  Considering PSR and burnout in statement of medical ability will be useful and integration of Corporate Social Responsibility will be an asset to reduce this disorder and these PSR.

Key Wordss: Psychosocial risks - Burnout - Laboratoires BIOPHARMA S.A