Thème :
Surveillance épidémiologique et prévention des maladies infectieuse
Type de présentation :
Présentation Orale
Titre abstract :
Suspected scarlet fever outbreak in Idenau health area
Auteurs :

Brice GhislainNTSIMI1



1Regional Delegation of Public Health,Cameroon

Corresponding authors :
Référence :

CaHReF 2018, Yaoundé Congres hall, 08 – 11 January 2019 , OSEP014

Abstract :

Background: Scarlet fever, caused by group A streptococcus was once a leading cause of death in children in Asia and Europe. The disease being rare in Cameroon, an outbreak of Scarlet fever was reported on June 1, 2018 in Idenau health area. An investigation was carried out three days after.

Objectif: To carry out Scarlet Fever outbreak investigation in Idenau Health Area situated in Limbe Health District, South West Region.

Methodolody: A local case definition was defined as any person in Idenau Health Area presenting with fever plus a maculo-papular skin rash with or without a recent history of sore throat from the 1st of March 2018 or any person in whom a clinician suspects Scarlet fever. Consultation registers of all health facilities were reviewed. An active case search in the community was conducted. Clinical knowledge and skills of the health staff of the reporting health facility were assessed. Throat swabs for culture were to be collected for new cases.

Results: A total of 22 cases were identified from the registers from March 14 to June, 2018. A majority (68%) were less than 15 years. No new case was found in the community. No throat swabs were collected. Health staff had a mastery of the clinical and para-clinical presentation of Scarlet fever.

Conclusion/Recommandation:An outbreak could not be confirmed para-clinically.  A rise in reports may have been as a result of the high suspicious index of the clinician. The search for new cases and subsequent cultures should continue till an outbreak is confirmed or ruled out.

We recommended that:

1 Brief COCs on scarlet fever surveillance during coordination meeting.

2 Conduct active case search bases on case definition

Key Words:Investigation of Scarlet Fever