Thème :
Amélioration de l’efficience des interventions sanitaires
Type de présentation :
Présentation Orale
Titre abstract :
Development of the Certificate Course in the Management of Hypertension in Africa (CCMH-AFRICA)
Auteurs :

Anastase DZUDIE1*, Ojji DIKE2 , Mahmoud SANI3 , Elijah OGOLA4 , Prabhakaran DORAIRAJ5 , Poulter NEIL6 , Abdoul KANE7, Euloge KRAMOH8 , Jean-Baptiste ANZOUAN8 , Calypse NGWASIRI9* , Saad SUBHAHI10



1Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Yaounde I ; 2Department of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Unviersity of Abuja,Nigerria ; 3Department of Medicine, Bayero University and Amina Kano Teaching Hospital; 4Department of Clinical Medicine and Therapeutics, University of Nairobi, Kenya; 5Public Health Foundation, India ; 6International Centre for Circultory Health, Imperial College, London ; 7Service de Cardiologie, Hopital General de Grand Yolf, Dakar, Senegal; 8Institut Cardiologique d'Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire ; 9Clinical Research Education, Networking and Consultancy (CRENC); 10Division of Cardiology, University of Khartoum ,Sudan

Corresponding authors :
Référence :

CaHReF 2018, Yaoundé Congres hall, 08 – 11 January 2019 , OERF037

Abstract :

Background: In response to the call by the WHO to reduce premature deaths from non-communicable diseases by 25% by the year 2025 (25x25), the pan-African society of cardiology (PASCAR) in partnership with several organizations have developed the 10-point urgent action plan to improve detection, treatment and control of hypertension in Africa.

Objectif: Priority 6 of this action plan aims to promote a task-shifting/task-sharing approach in the management of hypertension by enhancing primary health care physicians and nurses.

Methodology: In a collaborative approach with the international society of hypertension, the British & Irish hypertension society, the public health foundation of India and the center for chronic disease control, the PASCAR hypertension taskforce held a continental faculty meeting in Kenya on the 25th and 26th of February 2018 to review and discuss a process by which effective contextualization and implementation of the Indian hypertension management course can be done on the African continent.

Results: A tailored African course in terms of evidence based learning, up-to-date curriculum and on-the-job-training was developed with a robust monitoring & evaluation strategy. The course will be offered on a modular basis with judicious mix of case studies, group discussions and contact sessions with great flexibility to accommodate participant's queries.

Conclusion/Recommandation: Hypertension affects millions of people in Africa and if left untreated, is a major cause of heart disease and stroke. CCMH-AFRICA will train in the next 10 years 25 000 certified general physicians and 50 000 nurses capable of adequately managing uncomplicated hypertension, thereby freeing the few available specialists for focus on severe or complicated cases.

Key Words: Hypertension, Roadmap, Primary care physicians, Africa.